Allen Wade Bearden

Allen Wade Bearden

Age 61 of Columbiana Alabama passed away on June 7 2021 . He is preceded in
Death by his Father Acy W. Bearden, Step Mother Evelyn H. Bearden. Preceded in Death by his Mother Doris J. Bearden. Preceded in Death by Brother Curtis L. Bearden and Bobby Ray Bearden. He is Preceded in Death by Several Uncles and Aunts. Allen is Survived by a Daughter Felicia Bearden ( Son Bryson) and Rachel Camilleri. Allen is survived by his Sister Leta B. Goolsby (Wesley), Brian K. Bearden (Kristi) Daughters Katelyn and Karlee Bearden. Survived by a Niece Sophia Bearden her children Marie Farley (Andrea Hodgens and Sophie Farley) Michael Bearden and Monica Spergin Survived by one Aunt Alma N. Kruger! Best Friends Rodney Davis and Cindy Hughes and John and Doris Rooks! A Special Thank you to Columbiana Health and Rehab and Legacy Health and Rehab in Pleasant Grove For taking Great Care of Allen! Thank you to all the Doctors and Nurses at Grandview Hospital and UAB Hospital for all the care you gave to my Brother! Thank you to all rescue and Ambulance Personal! For taking good care of Allen while taking him back and forth to the Hospital during his sickness!
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